Monday, March 27, 2006


This was my mantra yesterday!!

After spending the second half of Saturday and early yesterday morning with my nephew Kaelan, I am seeing things in such a new light!!

Kaelan has become very affectionate again, and he certainly worked his magic on his Aunie Toe Toe (yes there is no "T") this weekend. I got smothered in hugs and kisses, even had a slumber party with him Saturday night. Being with Kaelan and seeing life thru his eyes was the exact medicine this Toe Toe needed. I have been really stressed out at work the past few weeks and it is consuming me, but it all disappeared for a few hours this weekend and I enjoyed every moment with Kaelan.

He was holding on to me yesterday morning as I was packing to go, saying that he didn't want me to go, or that he was going to go with me. I could have held on to him forever, it made my heart feel so full, a feeling that I just can't really put into words!!! As I was getting ready to leave he said "WAIT" and went and got a piece of paper and pencil and wrote me a sign "GO TOE TOE" since he knew I was going to be attempting a 10mile run for the first time in months that morning. He blew me kisses and told me he loved me (oh and requested that I win the race and mail the trophy to him... ah children and their dreams...)

I then drove to Lisa's house in North Hampton, NH and met up with her and Robin. Lisa's son Keith drove us to the starting line of the Run to the Border 10 Miler... we had many game plans that day, at about mile 3 I could turn off to Lisa's house if my knee kicked in, or from there on I could catch a ride from any one of the several fans following their fellow runners...

Mile 5 went by and I checked in, so far so good, so I allowed myself to continue. It was so much fun to feel different muscles talking to me again, my running muscles were happy to have a conversation with me yesterday.

This run is so gorgeous, it follows along the North Coast, so with the sun shining and the waves crashing to shore, I watched the multiple surfers on their surfboards try and catch the Spring waves, I would briefly close my eyes and take a deep breath of sea air, and many times I reminded myself of the time spent with Kaelan and my specialized sign in my pocket, and my heart would fill up with joy again!!

As I neared the finish line, I took the sign out of my pocket and held it in my hand as I finished. I am thinking that this sign is going to see many races this season, just the reminder I need to be happy to be back out there and also remind myself to not always take life too seriously. Kids have a way of teaching adults things that they know deep down but simply choose to ignore.

To the "Young Master" Kaelan, thank you for being a cheerleader for Aunie Toe Toe, I love you with all my heart!!!!

1 comment:

Robin said...

Way to get back out there, Joni! Go girl!