Tuesday, March 07, 2006

One Mile Down, Many More to Go

One week after the cortisone shot and I am happy to report I ran a mile today! I laced up my new sneaks in hopes that I would have the courage to warm up with my fellow TE gals this morning at run hills. With Beth out of town I asked that we meet at the track rather than at the pool so that I could ensure the safety of the runners, just in case I couldn't run more than a few feet :-)

So at 6am we hit the track for a one mile warmup and I found myself afraid, I am so nervous about running again and taking a step backwards that I feel this will be a new area to build my confidence. Who wants to be afraid of running? I certainly don't!

I was anxious, nervous, excited, timid, many things that I don't usually think of when I think of running. But the warmup felt ok and so I ran one hill with the gals before I decided it was time to walk the rest and run down with them. I kept waiting for a tweak or a twinge, but I made it thru and didn't get in my car with any aches and now it is nearly the end of the work day and still no pain.

I will say, BOY do I have a LONG way to go aerobically though. I charged up the hill and certainly felt the 3 months of sedativeness reaching for air from my lungs. Luckily, my recovery is still quick, but it simply amazes me what it feels like to start from scratch yet again. I am into my 3rd round of PT and hopefully my last.

Despite the fear I now have in the back of my mind, I am also ready to take it slowly and build up so that I have another great year and if all goes well stay away from PT for a long time!!!

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