Tuesday, May 16, 2006

This morning Beth and I met for Run Hills and our troops opted to stay out of the rain. I think the rain is really breaking some training spirits in Massachusetts... Despite Beth's sunburn, and my flu bug we headed out for a leisurely run around Watertown.

Mid-way thru the run, my stomach could not take it any longer so we had to make a quick stop and then continue one. Thankfully, Bethie is very patient with me these days, and stuck back with my sluggish pace as I pushed thru the stomach discomfort of my flu bug. Ok, so maybe I shouldn't have been running, but unlike some, I LOVE to run in the rain.

Today was no exception. I can't comprehend what my fellow Massachusetts folks are enduring with the flooding, it is sad and frustrating b/c I don't know how to help. A run like today clears my mind and reminds me of what I should be focusing on and to take today as an opportunity. I know that I have far too many possessions and I want to continue to lessen my "material" load and focus on giving to those who are far more in need.

I also took a moment to grab one branch of a lilac. My favorite flower by far and the rain is destroying them for a second season in a row... So I need to make sure that I grab as many as I can to enjoy the smell before they all fall to the ground! I keep driving by them thinking, "I should stop and grab some" No more!!! I will stop and I will enjoy as many lilacs as possible!!! No need to miss out on something that makes me so happy right :-)


Beth said...
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Beth said...

I enjoyed our run yesterday, did the lilac make it home ok?