Thursday, May 25, 2006

Snap Crackle Pop

I can't think of a better way to start a day than heading to Dr. Melman's (

My appointment was at 7:30am, his first patient of the day! We caught up on how things are going and he is excited to hear of my new adventures about to take place, and even better has a recommendation for someone I can go to out West!!

He could feel every ounce of tension in my neck and worked to release this nagging headache I have had for a few days. Always my first sign that it has been FAR too long since I have been in for an adjustment!! Dr. Melman is amazing, he is completely invested in each of his patients and I will plan to see him as many times as I can squeeze in before I head out.

My favorite part of leaving his office before Boylston Street is too full of rush hour traffic/crowds is the bare look at the Boston Marathon Finish Line. It brings me into a wonderful space and fills my head with my own memories of crossing as well as the memories of friends and those who I don't know, but understand have their own personal reasons for running 26.2 miles. It gives me a sense of peace and permits me to face the day with a better outlook and puts things into perspective.

I love Boston but today it was symbolic to think about Finish lines and what they mean to me. Once you cross a finish line, it does not mean that something is over, it means you are on your way to recovery and celebration and a new chapter. Seems fitting to me right now!!

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