Thursday, June 18, 2009

UFC 99 - Vacation Wrap Up

Where to begin?

Last Tuesday (09JUN) was the travel day, with a morning arrival in Amsterdam on Wednesday (10JUN)

Must start by saying Lindsey is awesome, she came over Monday night and helped me come up with fun trendy outfits to take with me, that would have me fitting right in with those Europians :-) it was really fun to actually go thru my closet and find new ways to wear some of my stuff for when I get back, I have been pre-warned by Lindsey that I better not show up for an outing with her again wearing jeans and a tshirt, now that she knows what hangs in my closet, ha ha

Day One - Amsterdam - We made our way to our hotel, luckily Nicole had been there many times before so she navigated us thru the city and we made it to our quaint hotel. Rested a bit, showered, then went out in search of dinner and beer. Not a big drinker by any means, but all that traveling made me crave a beer, I think it has been about 15yrs since I have craved a beer :-)

We were walking along in the rain and I said out loud "I was just picturing us eating in a hole in the wall" and I am not kidding you, about 20sec later we look up and there was a pub called "Hole in the Wall" so we took it as a sign and enjoyed a yummy dinner and some Old Speckled Hen beers.

From there we set out for another walk, which landed us in a dance type bar, where I made my way to the stage with a pole and earned myself an american dollar, just like the good ol' days, ha ha... we had a blast then called it a night.

Day Two - Started day in Amsterdam, walked around looked into shops etc. then did the tourist thing and went to Anne Franks house, which was really really amazing. Wild to be so close to history like that, makes you speechless from time to time. After our day out and about, we got our luggage and headed to catch our train to Cologne. We got there 6min before our train took off so we definitely got our workout in that day sprinting thru the train station :-)

Train ride went to Cologne via Brussels, beautiful country side, and we watched a movie on the computer, so it made the 4hrs go by quickly. I started to get more and more nervous on the train as we made our way to Cologne, knowing I would see Marcus soon, and remembering that we were going there to watch him fight against Dan Hardy.

Into Cologne safely we made our way to our hotel and then had a nice casual dinner, with more excitement building up, knowing we were getting closer to seeing Marcus.

Day Three - we got a good workout in in the morning then we did a little shopping before getting ready for the weigh-in. When we got to the weigh-in we had no idea what to expect, nor how to get in touch with Marcus. So Nicole did some smooth talking and got one of the security guards to ecort us behind the scenes so we could maybe find out how to get our tickets, the lasts thing I wanted was to distract Marcus from prepping and all that jazz going on back there, but he turned our way, I waved and within moments he was running over and gave me a great big hug. It was so good to see him after 6 months!!

We chatted until weigh-in time, then went and watched the weigh-in. When the weigh-in was complete we said our goodbyes and said that we would touch base with him that night or Saturday morning. I opted for Saturday morning, as I didn't want to interrupt his routine or anything, I know how I feel before an Ironman, so can only imagine what he was feeling before something much bigger...

We had a great local dinner that night and met some friendly German men who helped us with the menu, and made sure we tried the local brewed Cologne beer. Had a beautiful stroll thru the City that night, and met Rich Franklin and wished him luck. He was very down to earth and have to admit, even cuter in person :-)

Day Four - Saturday 13JUN09 - Fight Night

We got in another good workout, Nicole headed to the gym and I headed out on the streets of Cologne for a nice run. Ran along the Rhein and thru the City streets, I really love to run in new places, it gives you a whole different perspective of the trip and a special memory. I did it during my trip to Italy and again when I drove across the country with Rob, and will continue to do it for future travels to come.

We called Marcus in the morning and he was resting, we decided that if he were to leave the hotel he would leave the tickets at the front desk, but luckily when we got to the hotel, he was still chilling in his room. He gave us our tickets, and we hung out for a little bit, got another picture with Marcus, and we headed back into City for lunch/touring/shopping.

Then it was fight time, we got ready and headed over to the arena... I can't put into words how nervous I was, I have a hard time watching him on the tele, so had no idea what it would be like to watch it live. I became quiet for some time, and made friends with Mark's Polish friends sitting next to us.

Watching a UFC event live was pretty intense, I'm glad I was there to experience this part of Marcus's life again. The last time I saw him live was when he was still boxing and it was at the Roxy in Boston. I am so proud of him, so proud of the man he has grown into and am grateful for all the memories that I have with him and for him. It sucked to see him with a loss and left me wondering if I should bother him after the fight.

We had agreed earlier that we would meet him back at the hotel, but I think we all just assumed this was going to be a win, it never even crossed my mind that there was any other outcome possible, guess that is just a sign of the strength of my belief in him :-) Nicole and I went back to our hotel and changed, then walked over.

I was having lots of mixed feelings, trying to think of how he would be feeling, if he would rather just be alone or just get a phone call to say goodbye. But luckily, I was able to see him and tell him I was proud of him. Doubt it changed how he was feeling much, but I do believe he trusts me and our friendship, so hopefully he could sense some of the pride and love!

I hope I get to see another fight, especially if they get to fight in Boston this year!!

Proud of you as always MPD and I will forever be on your side!

Day Five - Last Full Day - off to Frankfurt Germany

In as few words as possible, our last day was an adventure to remember, but will leave that to Nicole and I. It was full of driving with foreign signs, a 3hr search for a calling card in a City that is closed down on Sunday's, and ended with a fantastic meal and some red wine for me and white wine for Nicole during a thunder storm :-)

And just like that it was time to head back. Flights all went smoothly and got back on time, Jason was a saint and picked me up from the airport. Then I got to see Carter Marshall who was more than excited to see me!!

It's good to be home, but always a downer to finish a vacation, especially one that included seeing Marcus, someone who is very very special to me!!

Here are a few pics from the trip:

The Dom - Cologne Germany

Nicole Enjoying an American Breakfast in Cologne



Side Street in Amsterdam

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