Friday, January 27, 2006

Week of Goals

I attended a seminar Monday evening, Januray 23rd that focused on Goal Setting. The seminar was brought to Boston by a company Lululemon I first found this company when I was out visiting Lisah a couple of months ago.

Lululemon is coming to Boston soon, and with it they are bringing their philosophy of living life to the fullest and encouraging others to make positive changes to their lifestyles.

Little did I know that this 2 hour seminar was going to result in a week of self reflection and taking action to move certain areas of my life forward.

I am excited to take some time this weekend and collect my thoughts, consider my options and with the help of my faith and friends, put gears in motion that I have been sitting on for quite some time.

The seminar talked a lot about how our lives often fall into the following three areas: 1. addiction to distraction 2. dwelling on the past 3. Auto pilot mode.
I think the biggest factor for me is the addiction to distraction. Each morning a piercing alarm wakes me up, then I put the news on to check the weather, off to the bus/train I go which is anything but quiet, then I get to work and outside my window is the beeping of Boston angry horns, and the fire station is a block away, back to the train/bus to go home, then my evenings are filled with phone calls, classes, watching Ellen, listening to the radio, then at night I put the tv on snooze so the noise puts me to sleep. When in the day do I take some quiet time for reflection? When do I check in with myself to see how I am doing and if I am working towards the things in life that make me happy?

It was explained to me in terms that I know are common sense but hearing them from someone who was so passionate really lit a fire under my butt "You choose who you are being in the face of a situation (of what happens)."

Put me in my running shoes, or on my bike or in the water and I know who I choose to be, it is the times I am at work and faced with a situation with my boss, or when I have a conflict with a peer that I often times jump to a "defensive mode" rather than choosing to be generous in the situation or happy in the situation. My friend Kaili often times looks at her situations and allows herself to step back and look at them with reason and justification, before jumping to a conclusion.

So after rambling on for quite some time, I am not sure where this post is taking me, except to a place that will lead me to a better place. This weekend I am committing to finding my way and making a plan!!!

Thank you Fr. Jack for setting some time aside for me Sunday after Mass. I am looking forward to the guidance.

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